According to Scorpio Rashifal 2023, this year is not going to be very good or easy for you. This year you will need lotof patience, caution and protection to get out of difficut situtaions. Long duration transits of this year are not auspicious for you. The good deeds you have done in the past can help you to reduce your difficulties.
In the beginning of the year, Lord Saturn is in a good position in the third house, but after mid-January, when it changes its sign and enters Aquarius, it will remain in your fourth house for the whole year and from here it will aspect the sixth house, tenth house and to your zodiac sign. The Lord Saturn’s 3rd aspect may adversely affect your 6th house, may give you health related issues. The seventh aspect of Shani is not very good for professional life, you may feel tension in the relations with your subordinates. The tenth aspect of Saturn will be on your zodiac, and Saturn is the ultimate enemy of your zodiac sign Mars, this aspect can give a lot of ups and downs in life. Moon is debilitated in Scorpio sign and Saturn’s aspect on it is not auspicious.
In the beginning of the year, your Mars is already giving negative results in your seventh house, giving tension in personal relations. In the middle of May, Mars will transit in the eighth house of your horoscope, this is the time to be very careful. In this period, chances of vehicle accident, injury, getting hit by any weapon or surgery etc. is also possible. From the first week of May, when Mars will transit in your ninth house, it will be aspecting Saturn, this time is not a good time for family happiness.
Due to this transit in Scorpio Rashifal 2023, there can be a situation of tension and discord with your life partner or their family, you will need to excercise patience and restraint. This time is not that good even from the financial point of view. Tread carefully in the job from the middle of July to August, avoid debate and discord. There will be relief from the middle of August till the beginning of October.
From the third week of April in Scorpio Rashifal 2023, Jupiter will transit in your sixth house Aries, which is a transit of the whole year. Rahu is already present here. The transit of Jupiter in the 6th house, that too with Rahu, is not considered good. Here Guru-Chandal Yoga is being formed which will increase your difficulties. There can be chances of change in job, there can also be chances of some difficult foreign travel. For the students especially, this time will be challenging. You may have to work very hard for success. In relation to education, if you are planning to go abroad, then the time after October will still give you some good results as compared to the beginning of the year. When Rahu changes its sign in October, you will get some relief from there.
As a remedy in Scorpio Rashifal 2023, worship Hanuman in the Hanuman temple on Saturday. Worship Shiva in the Shiva temple on Monday. If you have ever done some good deeds for someone, do not hesitate to take help from them or make contact with them, remove your ego and make contact, you will get help. During this time it is also auspicious to wear pure and real Pearl, which will give strength to the debilitated moon of your zodiac sign. You can get good quality pure Pearls from me at a reasonable price. As a government recognized Gemologist, I stock precious and semi-precious stones.
To read this article on Scorpio Rashifal 2023 in HINDI, click here.
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