In Astrological remedies or Jyotish Upay, Mantra has a prominent place. Different kinds of mantras are prescribed for Graha Shanti or propitiating the planets. It is very important to understand the essence of mantras before attempting to practice.
What is Mantra? Is it the mumbo jumbo we listen from Priests/Pundits? Is it the mechanical chanting of some unknown words we listen in temples/religious places? No. Mantras are powerhouse of energy. Sadhna and meditation using this is known as Mantra yoga which is an exact science.
Definition of Mantra
What is the definition of Mantra – Mananat trayete iti Mantrah – (मनानात त्रायते इति मन्त्रः) – this is the definition of the word Mantra in Sanskrit. Let’s understand this. Mantra recitation is a mental process. The first syllable is “man” (मन) meaning “to think” and “tra” from “trai” meaning “to protect or free” (from the bondage of life and death). In totality it means – by the Manan or constant thinking or recollection, of which one is released from the round of births and deaths, is Mantra.
Verbatim meaning of this Sanskrit phrase would be – “Mananat” means constant repetition using mind, “Trayate” means to swim through. “Iti” stands for is, Mantraha means mantra. So the collective meaning becomes – With the constant repetition of mantras, we can swim through the ocean of existential life and be free from bondage of the phenomenal world. Continuous repetition, contemplation and recollection of a word or statement, which protects us and yields beneficial results is a Mantrah. It can be a word or a phrase either in prose or poetic form.
A Mantra generates creative force and bestows eternal bliss. When constantly repeated, it awakens the consciousness. Our ancient sages and seers have visited and revisited mantras to gain wisdom and unearthed the science behind mantras. This science thus, when practiced not only protects the practitioner but removes all obstacles and miseries, grant what is sought and raises the practitioner to new levels of heights.
By continuous repetition with focus on chanting of the Mantras, our brain remains focused on the purpose of it. Brain in turn creates vibrations in tune with the universal flow of energy to attract and materialize what is sought. The constant repetition awakes the energy within our system which in turn attracts cosmic powers.
What exactly is Mantra
Mantra basically is mystical energy encased in a sound structure. Every mantra has certain vibration activating certain power. Upon continuous repetition and concentration, the energy contained manifests and takes form. There are different kinds of mantras, like “Beej mantra” or seed mantras, which may not have exact meaning, but act directly on nadi and chakras, releasing different types of energy blocked therein. Then there are mantras which can be translated, there are Deity mantras and there are Nirguna mantras too.
In the initial periods of Mantra recitation for any purpose, it is advisable to recite with sound which is audible. The power of sound is tremendous. On addition to image and form (in case of deity mantra), it can generate ideas, emotions and experience. By hearing words, our minds can experience pain or pleasure. Just shout “fire fire!!” people around will jump with fright; mind created consciousness of danger. So when ordinary words have such power, imagine the power of the Divine words!
In this series on Mantra, I will be discussing different mantras in detail. These mantras can be recited by everyone, opening new vistas of energy patterns, say in the field of education or money or profession etc. So keep checking for the next articles in this series.
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