Covid-19 is wrecking havoc in the world. Humanity is undergoing a severe crisis. The out break of Covid-19 or Corona Virus. Mighty countries are reeling under it. Countries with high life standards, the best medical facilities and technologically advanced… all are on knees today.
No cure, no safety and fast spreading virus! Covid-19 today has surpassed all calamities, including 9/11, World wars and other pandemics of the past. World has never seen a virus so universally spreading, causing human causalities, so fast. No country in the world is untouched by Covid-19.
If we look at the past, there had been calamities caused by virus or diseases. And every time it was new. But the humanity stood by it. The world suffered and bounced back. That’s what we are. Humans,…..enduring, strong, always bouncing back. As I mentioned in m last article, we see the decline happening slowly. And as days will pass, more and more countries will come out of it. Soon, we will find a cure too.
We should not loose faith. We should not loose hope. Keeping our hopes high and praying, we all can build up Universal hope against this dreaded Covid-19 virus. While taking all other measures, precautions and advised, with our collective thinking, with our collective building of faith and hope, we can defeat this enemy of humanity! We will overcome it.
Look out for small symbols of hope. Look out for small successes, applaud it, acknowledge it. Such a small positive thought is this video. Look at it carefully. These are those small rays of hope which gives us strength to look for bigger ones. Keep up the faith, keep us the hope. Let us all be positive and build that Universal reservoir of hope and faith. We will win. Humanity will win. We will have the cure soon and finish this Covid-19 virus.
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